13 January 2007

nevermind cocoa puffs....

....we're cuckoo for cuckoo clocks!

[if this reference made no sense to you, check this out]

We love 'em! We're crazy about 'em! We have 'em all over!

This one is all by himself (for now) in the reading area. watch video

These two are by the front door. They don't have a cuckoo, but they have an equally amusing bouncing lady and a bird that ticks back and forth! watch video

These three hang near our couch. The one on the right only cuckoos, but the other two also have a music box, and the men on the one on the left drink beer. The center one has an angry man that slams the door shut after the music box plays. watch video
I know, I know. The video ends before the door slams :(
I will have to try again...

If you sit in the center of our living room and close your eyes, it is like being enveloped in a giant irregular heartbeat!